Wednesday 5 September 2012

''Melancholia'' : a true melancholy

I don't really know how to evaluate this film. Really , it doesn't quite fit into any margin. But I will try , and the more I think about it the more I can separate things I can use to mark it.

Melancholia (2011)                        6/10

Yes harsh I know. but I will try to explain in the following flood of words.
What was the film about??Well,  I guess it was about the end of the world.
The film is split into two parts: Justine and Claire.
The names of the two sisters. Two females. Two planets colliding. Sometimes they hate each other.
Two worlds. Two ways of living. Two ways of acceptance. Two ways in which to meet your end.Two types of people. Hmm, actually there was the third as well , John , the husband of Claire , and he surely represented something as well. The ultimate belief in life and the impossibility of an apocalypse , and then when that's shattered and the realization that end is inevitable , he is morally destroyed, and thus his world is instantly shattered, and doesn't give any reason to linger alive.
Justine's story is about apathy,anhedonia and melancholia depression. As soon as she sees the star/planet, she knows it is the end of everything. And she accepts it immediately, and dies (stops living) right then and there. All that she does afterwards is reflex, last spasms of life still in her , some primitive habits. But actually all she is is a zombie. A dead living thing. She has given up all hope all sight of a possible future. She doesn't  really feel any guilt in ruining everything , because ,well it doesn't really matter , because she knows everybody will die anyway , so she doesn't bother. Complete apathy. The film however doesn't explain why Justine decides to still linger in this life and continue living on? Is she unable to take her own life? Is curiosity that drives her: how will the end happen( but then I assume it would be more intriguing to see what happens after I die, so taking my life wouldn't be an curiosity to see how issue). That stayed a mystery for me.
Claire's story is about despair. As soon as she finds out, she panics. Where does despair comes from? From the inner want and lust for life, but inability to control whats going on. The loss of control over your own life. She has the drive to live, and she can't accept the possibility of not living, however she doubts the chance of surviving( although it seems that she does that only because she wants to be encouraged and reassured by her husband).
It felt weird that after the big realization of the inevitable doom, she became calmer than when only speculating on the idea. Its a paradox, but which is fairly believable. As human beings often when left alone turn out to be more capable than when surrounded by others (In general ,when we have less time we often do more ,than if we had endless amount of time for it).

So that's how it was built , I think. But , honestly I think , it should have been 2 separate films then. Why put those two in one, if they are two? Lars von Trier does not succede in showing, completeing these two. Well, maybe he wanted to show how they do combine in one? As the two planets smash inside each other , the two females finally get through  to each other? Does the boy, the child, plays the part of the third combined element?( but that would work if there was a mother and a father, as then the child plays vital part in both their lives.( The prologue would imply on that though, the shot of the tree people in the garden with the 3 sky objects above them- Moon, Sun, and Melancholia.) ) Maybe the child was the only one that they both cared about at the end, and even the ''apathy'' realized that its sad that this innocent boy has to die?

So there is definitely  something to the film. It raises a lot of questions.  And a feeling. So yes technically its good. But did I like it? No. It didn't speak to me. Maybe its because it has the two parts, but it never got to connect with me , not only me I think in general , it doesn't have the It ,that allows you to connect. OR maybe I don't have the It that would allow me to connect, as I know there are people that really seem to connect with the film,  I guess those people who have been in a similar state( deep melancholy and depression). However a fact that can't be skipped: in places it was slow- too slow. Also just like Justine , before the 2nd part starts, you are in a state of apathy , you just don't care what happens, because, well, you know, this lady doesn't care, and all she does is look sad, and numb. The 2nd part tries to turn that over, and introduces this person full with life and hopes, and all, but as Justine lingers on- your apathy lingers on. 
Neither the apathy and neither the despair seems to reach any climax, it just lingers there till the end. It never plays out to the end. I mean , if you make a film like that , you push it to the end, if you try to reach the limits, then you should reach them AND push over , not just merely touch the line. Its for example , what Tree of Life did , it did go all the way , but ok , that's a different story.
It just happened. It ended. Ye well, maybe that's not mainstream and all, maybe some people will like the film just because it just showed how the end happens, maybe maybe, but as I mentioned , I expected something more. Something bigger , and I am not talking about the sizes of the colliding planets, I am talking about the emotions ,they were there, but they weren't played on enough. Make-up , lights, close-ups, performance , all that could have been intensified.

The camera work is quit art-house-y. But in this film seems rather pointless and disturbing. The story asked for something smooth(in camera movements), not shaking and pan and zooming all around.

Plot wise , just too many : Why? moments . Why does she have to go and piss in the garden? Why does the horse cant walk over the bridge, why does she have to lie naked on the river bank, why was the spoon joke necessary, why are the "sister" nothing alike(purely physically) (that's just plain annoying , but I guess that is to intensify how different they are in personality) , why did she ruined the wedding , why did she fuck the boy , why ( I don't want to continue as to not give to many spoilers( not that they change the outcome) ...

As I read somewhere its a film for those who knows what apathy and melancholia deppresion is like(have experienced them). Well yes, but then why would anyone who has experienced it would like to watch and revisit those I imagine unpleasant feelings, if this film doesn't give any ANY solace, but only serves more depression on your plate!

Hmm now I feel like put even a lover mark , its confusing.. I will leave it a 6 , just because of this ability to confuse , and no doubt it has the perspective of having something really deep , you just have to dig really hard. And for the ability to make a discussion.

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