Friday 31 August 2012

''12 Angry Man'': Lecture in democracy and honesty.

12 Angry Men  (1957)  :               9/10

The whole concept of one man standing on what he believes to be right and fair is one that seems to be lacking nowadays(not in media or culture , but in life). Nowadays if you were 1 against 11 you would back out immediately and follow the crowd, I am not saying that people would change their mind and go with the crowd , but they would agree and then silently  go home with their heads down and feel guilty for the rest of their days, weeks( later maybe forget and drop the guilt , but some part of us will always remember how we didn't stand on our opinion.
This is not a story of the boy ( the convicted man) being absolved ( there are almost no personal emotions involved in the story (regarding the  defendant) , but its a story about standing for what is right and just and good. Its about democracy!!
This should be a must see in law and humanity courses alike! I have no idea how the jury's in US work now , but I really hope they are just. This would be silly , but they should show this film before the real life jury starts their work.
Actually this should be a crash course into professional journalism and politics as well :D , I mean the way that "he" makes them change their mind or  digs out new information , is quite brilliant. Just the way in which he makes them realize their own falseness is so clever and fair. He doesn't convince them that they are wrong , but he makes them see where are they wrong, makes them realize that they might be wrong in what they believed to be self-evident. I have always believed that the only way of making somebody change their mind is by making them change their own minds , and in this movie it is one of the central ideas.
Not to even mention the incredible performances , every single actor is perfect in his role! The script , the dialogues,the close ups. Perfect! Just something we are really lacking in modern cinemas-good dialogues ( not saying that nothing like that is produced , but nothing like that gets to the big screen).

why only 9 at the end, well its not only 9 , it IS great , however for higher mark it  lacked a little bit of emotion ,drama . Then however , I don't think that this particular story could have been made any better ( well I haven't watched the remakes , maybe I will), but huge part of the idea was for somebody to be truly fair , they have to get rid of attachments and personal feelings. So the film itself also makes you look at it without any personal involvement.